Welcome to the Inside Scoop with CurlyTop Baker

Welcome to the Inside Scoop! We are so glad you are here following our journey of baking and giving back to our community!

This picture means so much to me. It was taken years ago while my family and I were volunteering at The Las Vegas Rescue Mission. We served hundreds of people that day along with many others. Just as we were cleaning up the cafeteria, I saw this beauty, a Hobart that was a bit dated, but still so awe inspiring to me. Like a kid in a candy shop, I had a picture taken of me standing next to it in hopes that just someday, I would own one of these of my very own.

Today this picture sits framed on my desk, while a much larger Hobart sits in our kitchen. Every time I come into work, I see this picture and am inspired that dreams really do come true, no matter the size!

Thanks for supporting this girls dream and supporting CurlyTop Baker!
