CurlyTop Baker Cookies

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CurlyTop Baker Cares, Inc.

Hi Friends,

It’s been a crazy, busy year so far. So many dreams in the works that are finally coming alive!

We have LOVED seeing the impact that our cookies have made on our community and selfishly, want to do more! Giving Back has been the heartbeat of our company since the beginning! Our goal is to reach the homeless and support so many causes that line up with our mission, one cookie at a time. Our cookies are donated to several non-profit organizations on a weekly basis through the efforts of giving back a portion of all proceeds from each cookie sale. We thank you for supporting us in this, and we know there are FAR more that can be reached. Prayerfully, we decided to open up our own non-profit, “CurlyTop Baker Cares, Inc.”

With the help of your donations, we can BE THE CHANGE and really make a difference in the community around us. By purchasing gourmet cookies from CurlyTop Baker, you are helping support our mission but would you also consider making a tax deductible contribution to feed more?

Thank you all for your support, emails, messages and love. We appreciate you!!

Eat more cookies,
