Ribbon Cutting - Our New Kitchen Is Open!

Hi Friends!

It’s been a long time since I’ve had the chance to sit down and update this blog, a little too long. We’ve been busy growing, moving forward in new ways that I never imagined. It’s been a fun ride of ups and downs along the way. In October of last year, we made the move from our Pasadena kitchen back to Henderson and acquired a kitchen space of our own. The before/afters of the remodel are crazy and amazing, but we finally made it our own and are so excited to be here!

I wanted to post some pics/links from our official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony a few weeks ago. We spent a few hours early in the morning of February 19th with Maria Silva and the Fox 5 morning crew (link below) https://www.fox5vegas.com/video/henderson-cookie-shop-helps-feed-the-homeless/video_7ab40bfd-eccc-5cf4-9e53-d3d3ebe4f7d6.html sharing our cookies and our story. The crew was moved by our mission and followed us to the park as we handed our cookies out to the homeless.

Later that afternoon, we were surrounded by 120+ city officials, vendors, customers, friends and family as we officially cut the ribbon and announced our opening! Our guests sampled various cookies on our menu, toured our kitchen and enjoyed the ambiance. Our team were amazing hosts and served up milk with our gourmet cookies. The whole day was perfect. Cheers to 2020 and all that it entails! Thank you all for supporting this girls dream!

Eat more cookies,

