Sweet Piñata Cookie & local delivery!

Did anyone grow up going to the Mexican Bakery as a kid? I remember my parents taking us kids often, we didn’t have to beg much. As a little curly haired girl, I would stare at the displays of all the pretty breads and cookies (pan dulce) available. My favorite was always the tiny sprinkle cookie, it was loaded with a rainbow of colors and just made me feel happy knowing it was in our bag, sometimes, I would sneak an extra cookie just in case the first one didn’t make it home. I could eat those cookies all day long.

In honor of Cinco de Mayo, we are introducing our newest gourmet cookie, The Sweet Piñata Cookie. All the feels of the cookies that made me smile as a kid, are now offered to you! What a better way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo then with our Sweet Piñata Cookies!

Life is better with fresh baked cookies,


PS: We do offer local delivery and pickup - order today!
